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Our Product

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  We has been reviewing its current method of bored pile construction to raise quality and productivity as well as reduce environmental impact. We leam from Mr Chris Teo, Executive Director, HSL Ground Engineering, on the firm's new practices on managing bored pile projects. The new methods have received favourable feedback from clients due to their efficent and environmentally friendly qualities.

What are the common issues hindering productivity in bored piling works?
How has project?
Bored piling works involve extensive on-site works, unlike reinforced concrete piles. Hence, site planning is very important to ensure efficiency in operations and to minimise the amount of idle resources. At HSL, we constantly review our work procedures and our management has been very supportive when it comes to adopting innovative practices for productivity.
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Can you tell us more about one of the innovative practices adopted?
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We innovated the process of hacking pile hoads. The conventional method makes use of a breaker, an excavator and an air compressor to break the bond between the concrete and the rebar and reduce the concrete into smaller pieces for removal. This hacking process is noisy, results in a lot of concrete debris and is time consuming.
From our study of the practices in Japan, we leant that rubbery sleeves were used to debond rebars from the concrete mass. The cost of providing the rubbery sleeves was too expensive for implementation. Then, the idea of using polystyrene foam came about after a trip to Bangladesh. Polystyrene foams are cost-effective and installing foams around the steel reinforcement bars before casting will help debond the rebars from the concrete mass. A crack can be induced at the cut-off level of the pile head and the concrete block above the cut-off level can be easily lifted off and removed in a single piece.
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